“I wish I had a plush bungalow”
“this is my dream car”
“oh …I desperately want that dress”
“loving family, friends and a caring life partner is all what I need”
DESIRES!!! We call them desires!
A distinction is pretty noticeable between these desires..a difference in approach we can say! materialistic or not…these desires form a formidable part in ones life. The list of never ending desires entangle our lives to such an extent that we ourselves are not capable of getting rid of these cobwebs! A temporary existence we may say! Temporary existence because of their frequent replacements by new ones! There is never a void situation, an ideal situation when the mind is sans any hustle and bustle! Indeed….a mind can never reach the ideal state of contentment because desires are inevitable.
They have pros and certain cons too. We gear up to fulfill them and reach whopping heights of success. this may be noted as an advantage but unaccomplishemnt of desires is the veracity of life and it cannot be denied. and moreover, it leads to constant comparisons which is an epicenter cause of jealousy and ego clashes.
My opinion is quite pellucid and I opine that life may not be as immaculate as we dream of…our unreachable and dreams may cause an enormous hindrance in the smooth journey of life!
I want to be a singer….an eminent ,illustrious personality .It appears to be difficult practically! some people say “how is it possible...are you mad?” I have been listening to uncountable tantrums and will be hearing them till eternity! Jokes apart! Even being aware of my capability they want me to have a peaceful life ..typical “shadi karke settle ho jao” types…but I completely disagree with the this orthodox mindset of people around me..
In short..this is one of my biggest desire and attached to it are various rejections, comparisons and all the drawbacks I discussed earlier..
I hope I have given my vindication!
What is the solution???what should be done with this abundance of desires?? Should we stop dreaming??
Sounds impossible to me. But certainly we can figure out a way! A calm introspection or segmentation of these dreams or getting ourselves a reality check by analyzing our desires and having enough audacity and resilience to accept the truth and starving passionately for those desires and ofcourse ignoring those silly juvenile remarks are the ways to tackle the situation!
I tried and it helped focussing me more on my desires and has strengthened my determination..
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The angels in my life
A yelling infant opens his tiny eyes and the cruel , wicked world seems to be pristine and idyllic because of the first glimpse of two angels in disguise . Though It may sound a bit exaggerated but it would be fugitive on my side by not addressing parents as angels. The term “angel” comes as an obvious consequence of their selfless and poignant love, affection and incomparable care and concern for their children.
Though I may not be as articulate with my ideas and and I may be a little impassive when it comes to expressing my love and gratitude towards my parents but the significant contribution and their angelic presence in my life has indeed made it blissful and that has made me what I am today!
My tears make them cry, my smile brings a noticeable glitter in their eyes. Their consolation and confrontation and words of encouragement always bring a wave of optimism in me. Their efforts to get me out of a crisis situation to helping get rid of the jitters before an exam, pointing out my silly puerile behaviour is what only they can do efficiently. From holding a pencil to holding major responsibilities on my shoulders is what they have taught me.
A scold at my grouchy , grumbling attitude which at times brings a gloom and despondency for a while always lends a helping hand in future. Even my slightest achievement brings a staggering amount of joy in their lives. My parents have been precious gifts from god . Though I ask or not but their support is always there for every little thing i do.. certainly I can count on them forever and always..
I just pray to almighty to shower his blessings in the lives of my parents and give me utmost strength and courage and develop my endurance to face the atrocious world to make their dreams come true and see them happy and their lives filled with effulgent colours of joy!
Though I may not be as articulate with my ideas and and I may be a little impassive when it comes to expressing my love and gratitude towards my parents but the significant contribution and their angelic presence in my life has indeed made it blissful and that has made me what I am today!
My tears make them cry, my smile brings a noticeable glitter in their eyes. Their consolation and confrontation and words of encouragement always bring a wave of optimism in me. Their efforts to get me out of a crisis situation to helping get rid of the jitters before an exam, pointing out my silly puerile behaviour is what only they can do efficiently. From holding a pencil to holding major responsibilities on my shoulders is what they have taught me.
A scold at my grouchy , grumbling attitude which at times brings a gloom and despondency for a while always lends a helping hand in future. Even my slightest achievement brings a staggering amount of joy in their lives. My parents have been precious gifts from god . Though I ask or not but their support is always there for every little thing i do.. certainly I can count on them forever and always..
I just pray to almighty to shower his blessings in the lives of my parents and give me utmost strength and courage and develop my endurance to face the atrocious world to make their dreams come true and see them happy and their lives filled with effulgent colours of joy!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
dedicated to all my friends.......without them my life is simply incomplete..... :)...
my hypocrite smile may be betraying
acting like a muslin cloth for hiding
all of them are convinced,
with my pretentious flair
unaware of the pain which is there
a grief in my eyes,
noticed by a handful of them,
termed by me as my pals,
buddies or best friends......
the deepest secret that my lips wont lure
is submerged no more....
through all thick and thin
whether i lose or win..
standing by me like my shadow
blossom my life like a peaceful meadow
lend their hands and gear for aid
like the branches for those in shade
my affection will never faint
like the sanctity in the life of a saint
all the troubles and sorrows will sway
with all the topsy turvy moving away
i am lifeless without you
so i say...a big ...."thank you"..
my hypocrite smile may be betraying
acting like a muslin cloth for hiding
all of them are convinced,
with my pretentious flair
unaware of the pain which is there
a grief in my eyes,
noticed by a handful of them,
termed by me as my pals,
buddies or best friends......
the deepest secret that my lips wont lure
is submerged no more....
through all thick and thin
whether i lose or win..
standing by me like my shadow
blossom my life like a peaceful meadow
lend their hands and gear for aid
like the branches for those in shade
my affection will never faint
like the sanctity in the life of a saint
all the troubles and sorrows will sway
with all the topsy turvy moving away
i am lifeless without you
so i say...a big ...."thank you"..
Sunday, March 21, 2010
20 traits of a nerd.....

In every nook and cranny of our college and school, we find numerous….and glaring instances of nerds or bookworms….these are some of the facts observed by me after spending years with such peculiar people…………
1. Although they sit aloof but they are always surrounded by their best friends….books obviously.
2. Beware of initiating any sort of discussion with them….even a simple calm query may have great repercussions…….you may be a poor victim at the end…I hope you understand.. :P
3. Although evolution has taken place, now we don’t find nerds as far as appearance is concerned…I mean the hippo sized spectacles n oily hair…lol….but yes..their mannerisms prove their nerdness..(pardon me for my ignorance for the abstract noun for a nerd).. ;)
4. Social networking sites are big no noes for them..according to them, internet is the place where things like Wikipedia dwell!!
5. Hobbies…ah….reading….books…..text books….apart from that, reading books and thirdly reading books and lastly reading books….varieties…hmmmm :P
6. Watching television is a taboo for them…their eyes are accustomed to books now…no tv at all!
7. Hanging around………I don’t have ropes……give me a break….huh!!!!!
8. Text messages and chats……….never ever heard of them…seriously…!
9. Exam time=the most awaited time of the year…. they simply cherish these wonderful yet gruelling moments!!!
10. Favourite places to visit - plush libraries,museums………….simply awesome…
11. Encyclopedias simply mesmerise them ….their life is incomplete with out them.
12. Their inspirations .. no guesses for that..Albert Einstein,Isaac Newton and all the eminent scientists.
13. Who participates in co-curricular stuff ……its such a waste of time!! Yes, they actually think so…..
14. Around 60% of people belonging to this species(lol!!!) are non believers and claim to be ‘atheists’.
15. Who said a minimum sleep of 8-12 hours is necessary ? A 3-4 hrs sleep is more than enough.
16. Never expect them to laugh at any random jokes . They simply wont !!!! And however lame jokes they may crack….. laughing is mandatory .
17. If you ask them the last time they went for a movie, the answer would be…. a decade ago. :D
18. A normal bag of a nerd, as the researches say(lol!!) weighs around 4-5 kg.
19. Criticise them or simply correct them…….you will be slashed heavily……….
20. Lastly, never expect such kind of craziness from them…. Something which this article is a proof of :D…
P.S.------disagreement or objections wont be entertained…as the name itself suggests…”exploring life”..through “MY”..yeah…”MY” vision……………this is something what I opine…..with pure intentions …..n no grudges or grievances against any particular “species”…..if any… rofl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D…
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
god.....my friend
From the very childhood,I have been an almighty follower and believer. The extremely pious atmosphere at my place deserves a gratitude from my side for this . When I was a kid ,I used to blindly believe what was told to me, considering each and every thought of my elders to be valuable. Over a period of time, my inquisitiveness towards god made me closer to him. And now I strongly opine that all of us are here for a specific purpose and we all are geared up to make our presence conspicuous in the society. We spend our entire lives in chasing our materialistic dreams. Complete satisfaction is considered to be an ultimate consequence of achieving our goals. Being aware of the fact that this satisfaction is transient and the ever so prevailing dearth of it in our lives, we still make sincere efforts for the fulfillment of our desires…..apart from our efforts, we always seek an indispensable aid from god….for every situation..be it adverse or favourable. Indeed, I believe that his presence cant be questioned ever ,but certainly our faith on the pristine power can be…
In these uncertain times , where our lives are entangled in our hectic jobs, a quiet interaction with god can surely bring about impeccable transitions. yes…I term it “interaction” …rather than offering lucrative “bribes”, pleasing him or slogging in front of him ,why cant we simply talk to him like a friend…..and for all those who think that it will be a one sided interaction need a correction in their perceptions….as the answers are actually the circumstances and situations that arise as a consequence of it…
I have tried and implemented it in my life and surely have realized how significant god is actually in my life…I cherish him, value him….n worship him…:)..and I can say…….that “atheists” are nowhere to be seen except in an English dictionary……..because however rationalism a person may portray, whatever claims he may make about his disbelief….n supposed “atheism”, he is bound to acknowledge the supreme power atleast once in his life………….
Its for all those who read and empathise with my ideas…..and agree to the fact…that whatever we may ask from almighty…he would fulfill all our wishes……..and we should always seek his divine intervention in our lives….his blessings…….and those who don’t……I suggest them to try it once…………….transformations may happen!!:)
In these uncertain times , where our lives are entangled in our hectic jobs, a quiet interaction with god can surely bring about impeccable transitions. yes…I term it “interaction” …rather than offering lucrative “bribes”, pleasing him or slogging in front of him ,why cant we simply talk to him like a friend…..and for all those who think that it will be a one sided interaction need a correction in their perceptions….as the answers are actually the circumstances and situations that arise as a consequence of it…
I have tried and implemented it in my life and surely have realized how significant god is actually in my life…I cherish him, value him….n worship him…:)..and I can say…….that “atheists” are nowhere to be seen except in an English dictionary……..because however rationalism a person may portray, whatever claims he may make about his disbelief….n supposed “atheism”, he is bound to acknowledge the supreme power atleast once in his life………….
Its for all those who read and empathise with my ideas…..and agree to the fact…that whatever we may ask from almighty…he would fulfill all our wishes……..and we should always seek his divine intervention in our lives….his blessings…….and those who don’t……I suggest them to try it once…………….transformations may happen!!:)
Optimism-from grief to joys
I am left with nothing…..no hopes alive…….miracles don’t happen………….
These are the most common things which arise in our minds after frequent rejections and disapprovals. And certainly, they are indeed the epicenter cause of deterioration of our optimism and positivities. But solution lies in introspection within ourselves, by talking to our souls. What if, circumstances are unfavourable, and still we cherish those weak moments?.......yes……we can…being optimistic and having effulgent ideas can surely bring about impeccable transitions. One may experience happiness even in grief by being constantly surrounded by highly positive energies. It may sound philosophical or bookish but it does work! Imagine yourself smiling even in adverse situations……oh! how audacious it feels and such a calm and complacent atmosphere is created in our mind…….peace……..
I have tried and seen the results….
Now its time that every pessimist tries it and see the result with flying colours of success…
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
my first post....feels great...
Well,since this is my first post,I would simply utilize it to introduce myself…..n the blog ofcourse…. :)
Me………i am a simple girl with complex ideas….ironically speaking…….these complex ideas are obvious consequences of extensive scrutiny and observation of lives of other complex creatures …instances…..my friends…..my family members….teachers…….and others…
I am simply obsessed with writing and expressing my opinions…..and as my mom says……I am indeed a bit loquacious….but trust me…..i am always sensible…..i mean my ideas are pretty sensible…;)…I can elaborate and go on and on when I pen down my ideas……..and actually I had to pay heavily for this habit of mine…. As my English teacher would snatch all my precious marks for exceeding the word limit everytime……………awww… I generally write a lot about god, optimism, atheism….an all the things termed by my friends as “philosophical”……but I intend to bring out my ideas on other topics apart from these……I seriously want to get rid of this “philosophical” tag……yeah….but let me warn those checking this blog out……..”first few posts will surely be some…..deep ones…..eh!”..and obviously god has been immensely responsible for all my achievements…..although very less.. (humility…u say.. …… :P)…..so I have to write na……….i hope I have justified……lol!
I passionately follow music….i truly feel blessed to have such wonderful parents who extended their support in making me learn music…n singing…singing makes me calm and composed…..and with my guitar…I am totally engrossed in my very own little world…..
Apart from music,I love to socialize…call me amiable..or whatever…..i actually love to interact with people and make friends….my socializing is evident from the number of hours I spend on facebook…. :D….undoubtedly…I have become a net addict…….
and yup…….i am addicted to doing all the wacky …..crazy things in this universe…….ask my friends…..yupppp………..
I guess that’s enough for this post…isn’t??? ha!.......
Me………i am a simple girl with complex ideas….ironically speaking…….these complex ideas are obvious consequences of extensive scrutiny and observation of lives of other complex creatures …instances…..my friends…..my family members….teachers…….and others…
I am simply obsessed with writing and expressing my opinions…..and as my mom says……I am indeed a bit loquacious….but trust me…..i am always sensible…..i mean my ideas are pretty sensible…;)…I can elaborate and go on and on when I pen down my ideas……..and actually I had to pay heavily for this habit of mine…. As my English teacher would snatch all my precious marks for exceeding the word limit everytime……………awww… I generally write a lot about god, optimism, atheism….an all the things termed by my friends as “philosophical”……but I intend to bring out my ideas on other topics apart from these……I seriously want to get rid of this “philosophical” tag……yeah….but let me warn those checking this blog out……..”first few posts will surely be some…..deep ones…..eh!”..and obviously god has been immensely responsible for all my achievements…..although very less.. (humility…u say.. …… :P)…..so I have to write na……….i hope I have justified……lol!
I passionately follow music….i truly feel blessed to have such wonderful parents who extended their support in making me learn music…n singing…singing makes me calm and composed…..and with my guitar…I am totally engrossed in my very own little world…..
Apart from music,I love to socialize…call me amiable..or whatever…..i actually love to interact with people and make friends….my socializing is evident from the number of hours I spend on facebook…. :D….undoubtedly…I have become a net addict…….
and yup…….i am addicted to doing all the wacky …..crazy things in this universe…….ask my friends…..yupppp………..
I guess that’s enough for this post…isn’t??? ha!.......
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